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In our house addicted .. Tags recognizable!

Family disputes, social circumstances that may surround a person, or wrong socialization, may motivate many people to search for many ways to escape the "false" reality, which is often the hero of drug use.

As people become accustomed to a particular drug or substance, they become under their influence in all their daily behaviors.

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The decision of treatment..!

An extraordinary championship in the life of the addict.The most effective steps to treat addiction are the addiction to the need to undergo treatment, because the first steps of the actual treatment is to make the decision from within to get rid of the radical and final need for the drug, the most helpful in the treatment is the will and conviction to complete life in a natural and healthy, If he reaches this decision, this conviction will help him complete the healing

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the false sense of happiness!

Addiction .. Between the false sense of happiness and destruction of the brain.Addiction is one of the most serious threats to the future of generations, and one of the actors in the destruction of nations if it is neglected and treated with disregard or recklessness with it

What is addiction? What are its types and causes and how do we

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