Treatment of Addiction
The percentage of drug abuse in Egypt reaches 10%, which is double the global rate, which increases the concern, especially that 72% of them are males, and because of the changes caused by addiction to the mind, the process of treatment takes some time and go through several stages, the first diagnosis and evaluation.
Phase Detoxification of the body - Withdrawal Symptoms
And the body is cleared of the toxins that have become part of it, and remove them completely from the blood, and despite the importance of this stage where the treatment cannot be completed without, but it is not an integrated treatment and should not stop, as some think.
The Withdrawal Symptoms are a group of psychological and physical symptoms that accompany the expulsion of toxins from the body, such as sleep disorders and insomnia, accompanied by abdominal pain, high blood pressure, sweating and high body temperature, coupled with the occurrence of mental hallucinations and desire to commit suicide with some severe mental disorders such as severe depression, This period is between 7 to 10 days.
Follow-up phase
The patient can take some medications under the supervision of a doctor, to help reactivate the normal brain functions, and reduce the desire to use, and must follow the recuperator continuously through periodic analysis to ensure that the drug is not used again to return to exercise his life completely.